The Types of Conflict

The Types of Conflict

  “Conflict is constructive when it helps build cohesiveness among people. Conflict is destructive when it diverts energy from more important activities.” — Karen Snyder For more of Karen’s workplace wisdom, check out her book Eating Worms:...
The Types of Conflict

The Power of Observation

  “Observation skills help you understand what is happening in a conversation or in a group. If you are a good observer, you will know how well you are communicating, and can make mid-course corrections.” — Karen Snyder For more of Karen’s...
Who Dug the Well?

Who Dug the Well?

Like everything else, there are many different opinions on just how much water you should be drinking. Health experts commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses each day, although some believe that you need to sip water constantly throughout the day, even when you’re...