The Power of Observation

The Power of Observation

  “Observation skills help you understand what is happening in a conversation or in a group. If you are a good observer, you will know how well you are communicating, and can make mid-course corrections.” — Karen Snyder For more of Karen’s...


One of our readers sent in this situation: There’s a person in his business who often replies to emails with “TLDR.” I didn’t know what that meant, but it means, “Too long, didn’t read.” First of all, that response isn’t exactly the best, or most polite, option....
No One Listens to Me!

No One Listens to Me!

I was an undergrad at the University of Virginia when a classmate said, “It’s so rude to interrupt.” What? I had never heard that before. I truly had made it to college without being taught that interrupting was rude.   My mother tells the story of an ordinary evening...