Taking small steps and be patient for big achievements tiny pers

One Day at a Time

Jan 4, 2022 | Mindset, Performance Management

After graduating from college, I had no interest in going back to school, yet I knew most of the careers I was interested in required more education. One day Johns Hopkins University sent me an advertisement for a class taught by a famous author, and it looked awesome. I signed up for the semester-long class, although since I had not applied for a graduate program I wouldn’t receive credit.

I loved the class. It was stimulating, engaging, and thought-provoking. I decided to write the assigned papers just to see how I would do. I did well and I was hooked on being back in the classroom. Within 6 months I had completed the necessary paperwork, taken the appropriate tests, and enrolled in a two year graduate program. My graduation was the same day our first child was born, so I missed the ceremony, but I didn’t miss graduating.

This time of year, when there are goals for weight loss, financial planning, marathon training, learning a new language, and meditation, I say, “bah humbug.” I have never liked big goals and I sometimes find them to be more intimidating than helpful.  

Consequently, I subscribe to the “one day at a time” method. It worked for me in terms of my graduate program and continues in many areas of my life. It may work for you as well. Here’s a sample of “one day at a time” goals that will help you make new habits easily. The key is just do one or two at a time, not more than that.

  • I will get up as soon as the alarm sounds, and not hit snooze repeatedly.
  • I will do 10 minutes of stretching.
  • I will smile and say something kind to everyone I pass in the morning.
  • I will make one egg and eat a healthy breakfast before I start my day.
  • I will put $10 away each day and save $50 a week.
  • I will pack my lunch each day and save the money toward a car fund.

My “one day at a time” goal this year isn’t even a day at a time, it’s just twice a week. I am going to try to start holding my plank a little longer.

What about you? What’s your small “one day at a time” goal?


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