This morning I was thinking, “How can I stand here in this warm and lovely bathroom brushing my teeth while bombs are exploding on the the other side of the Atlantic?”
I often watch TV news at night. In the morning, I read the top stories online. At midday I sometimes listen to The Daily.
Lately, by the time evening rolls around again, I am often too upset to read or listen any more.
As the daffodils burst in my yard yesterday, I felt guilty that I have a yard when so many people in Ukraine have lost everything. I know that I am not alone in my feelings.
During a recent coaching call a client said, “I hate complaining about my annoying manager when people in Ukraine are fleeing for their lives.”
This note, Tweeted by @bymariandrew might reflect some of your own feelings and help you know that you are not alone.

If you think that more discussion might be helpful for you, this article delves into the conflicting feelings that many of us are experiencing:
To Anyone Feeling Guilty For Carrying On With Your Life Right Now
I was particularly struck by the reference to a “quiet power in embracing our ‘normal’ lives, since normalcy is exactly what the people of Ukraine are fighting for right now.”
If you are in a position to give monetarily, you may find this list helpful. Please vet the groups for yourself.