walking in the park

Take a Gratitude Walk

Dec 14, 2021 | Mindset

Anyone who knows me, knows that I appreciate a good walk! I am especially happy when I am walking with friends, and also when I am able to walk and collaborate with colleagues by using my phone and earbuds.

The benefits of walking are, of course, very well-known. A quick internet search will find that walking can help you strengthen your heart, lower your blood sugar, shore up your bones, ease joint pain, boost immune function, improve circulation, burn calories, lose weight, boost your energy, improve your mood, improve your sleep, strengthen muscles, tone your legs, extend your life, and even clear your head to help you think more creatively.  

When I am walking alone on a particularly beautiful day, I am often reminded of a very simple song I used to sing as a child:

I Love the Mountains,

I Love the Rolling Hills,

I Love the Fireflies,

I Love the Daffodils.

Recently I noticed that I have inadvertently been combining my walks with my gratitude practice. After all, how could you not be grateful for shimmering sunshine, beautiful trees, friendly neighbors, and cheerful birds?

Walking is an amazing opportunity to stay fit while also recognizing and honoring the beauty that is all around us, whether it is from nature, people, or even the animal kingdom. As you walk, observe and acknowledge the simple wonders that you might otherwise take for granted, and please share with me your observations. 

This blog is one in a series discussing the importance of gratitude in our personal and professional lives, the benefits of routinely recognizing the good things in our lives, appreciating others who have helped us, practicing gratitude, and saying thank you.


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