
The Benefit of a Fresh Perspective

Oct 16, 2014 | Mindset

I have had both the joy and the opportunity to vacation in Nags Head, NC for the past 23 years.  This year, we decided to go parasailing.  While being suspended, I was able to see the island of Nags Head as an island.  I saw the Kitty Hawk dunes where the Wright Brothers launched their plane.  I saw the beauty of the island from another vantage point.

My work also gives me the opportunity to see companies from different vantage points.  I notice who greets me in each place I work.  The receptionist, or lack thereof, sets the tone of the workplace.  I notice whether there is natural light, I notice what the lobby smells like, I notice the type of office furniture.  While the physical surroundings aren’t the only determinant of the workplace culture, it sets the tone.

What does your workplace say about your culture?


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