Barber scissors close up.

Why Porch Haircuts Matter to Your Business

Mar 3, 2021 | Communication, Mindset

Last week, I wrote about Bill’s less than perfect haircut. I received a surprising amount of feedback on the blog. I just love it when people give me feedback!

What prompted the large number of responses? Was it that others wanted to know how to successfully cut their significant other’s hair? I doubt it!

I think what prompted readers to open last week’s blog and comment was that it revealed something personal about me and it was perhaps relatable. 

I strive to have a professional and respectful business presence. At the same time, I believe consumers and potential customers want to get to know the people they do business with on a more human level.

How can you better connect with your client base? Please send me your ideas. You know I love to hear from you!


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