Workplace culture, Communication gap and Racial discrimination Set Illustration

When Ethics Collide With Sales

Jun 1, 2022 | Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership

Your team has scored a meeting with a sought-after new client, Michael, a well-liked VP in the manufacturing industry. Participants in the meeting include three colleagues from your organization plus an additional four employees from the client’s company. 

The group is discussing your product, when completely out of the blue, Michael says, “Damn queers. We have to make all these efforts just so they can buy our product. Do we really need their money?” No one responds and the meeting continues as though nothing had happened.


  • As a team leader for your company, what should you do at this unexpected moment?
  • How can you prepare yourself to handle situations where someone in a position of power says something that is clearly demeaning and objectionable?
  • If this had happened to you, what follow-up with your company or the prospective new client’s organization would be appropriate?

Please let me know how you would deal with this scenario, as well as how effectively you think your organization might handle it. We will be sharing similar situations in the months to come. If you would like facilitated training with us, we will customize a program specifically for your organization’s circumstances and culture.


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