I was in my flower garden, another way to say I was in one of my happy places, and I was planting another clematis for what must be the 20th or so time. Why do I keep cajoling, prodding, and trying to grow a clematis in this spot when my other flowers are, pardon the pun, “blossoming”?
We do this same thing with high performers at work. We ignore the high performers while we cajole the stragglers. What if we focus more on your high performing team members and keeping them happy? You know, those amazing folks who always seem to have it all together and just make your work life easier.
First up, make sure you’re encouraging the high performers to take breaks. And I don’t mean just a quick breather during the workday – I’m talking about real, honest-to-goodness time off. High performers can be prone to burnout, so make sure they’re getting the rest they need to keep their engines revving and their minds fresh.

Next, share the love when it comes to high-visibility projects. Give those high performers a chance to shine and show off their skills. It’s a great way to show them that you value their contributions and help them feel more engaged with the company as a whole.
Don’t forget to ask for their opinions and provide positive feedback. Encourage them to attend workshops and conferences so they can keep expanding their knowledge base. And always remember to acknowledge their contributions, both publicly and privately – don’t just assume they know how awesome they are.
High performers are often very hard on themselves, so let them know they are valued. When performance appraisal time comes, go overboard!
Make sure you’re respecting their work-life balance and allowing for as much flexibility as possible. In-person events are also energizing if you can make it happen. And keep ’em in the loop about new initiatives and trends so they feel connected and informed.
Remember, the more committed you are to them, the more committed they’ll be to the organization. So be a good role model and show them what high performance looks like.
Finally, make sure you’re using performance appraisals and executive coaching to keep those high performers on track and help them continue to grow. Keep ‘em blooming!