
Improving Employee Engagement With A Survey: Part 2

Sep 28, 2019 | Employee Engagement, Performance Management

So I just came back from having the most incredible meeting. We had done an employee engagement survey and what had happened is the organization felt like no one was going to participate, no one was going to say what they thought and in fact just the opposite happened. We got 97 percent engagement.

Do you know what the typical response rate for something like that is? It’s 30 to 40 percent and we had 97 percent. So how did we do it? Well, we created a few incentives. We met ahead of the survey and told people it was important and we built trust from the very beginning.

If you would like to find out what’s on the minds of your employees and create a better working environment for everyone, let’s do an employee survey. I look forward to working with you.

I’m Karen Snyder, helping people be more productive at work.


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