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What Are You?

Nov 29, 2022 | Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership

In order to create a respectful and inclusive culture, organizations need to provide regular diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training. But once you have had that basic training, how can you mix it up and make it relevant year after year?

At Concordia Consulting, we have found a way! We have adapted actual situations that we have been asked to remedy by changing them just enough to protect those involved. Then we implement the scenarios using a case-study approach to bring our training to life.

Want to try one? 

A pharmaceutical representative, Leila, went to the office of a Caucasian doctor associated with a large teaching hospital. While Leila was making her drug presentation, the doctor asked, “So, what are you?” referring to Leila’s racial background. Leila reported the incident to her company’s CEO.


  • Should Leila have responded to the doctor?
  • How should the CEO respond?
  • What further actions, if any, should be taken?  

Have you ever witnessed a similar situation in your organization? Please let me know how you would deal with this scenario, as well as how effectively you think your organization might handle it. We will be sharing similar experiences in the months to come. If you would like facilitated training with us, we will customize a program specifically for your organization’s circumstances and culture.


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