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How to Create a More Positive Workplace: The Power of Appreciation

Feb 16, 2021 | Employee Engagement, Leadership, Performance Management

I conducted a virtual workshop titled “Creating a More Positive Workplace.” The insights of the thoughtful and engaged participants were so phenomenal that I have been sharing the highlights from the program through a series of blogs. There was one detailing what contributes to an ideal workplace, and another on building connections. Of course both of these improve performance throughout the organization. We then advanced to handling disagreements, discussing some helpful phrases to use in conversations, how to respond appropriately to difficult situations, and how to reduce conflict before it happens.

As part of the workshop, participants were given a homework exercise that I frequently use. I asked them to think of a few work-related things for which they are grateful. I welcomed their submissions, and when shared with the whole class, it reminded everyone to stop and notice what is going right. Below are some of their responses: 

  • Knowing that I have helped someone during very stressful times.
  • Friendly, happy faces to say good morning to.
  • Really good open communication during this time, so no one feels out of the loop.
  • I love the atmosphere and welcoming environment that my coworkers and I have created.
  • That I have autonomy in planning my day and have freedom to adjust to work on higher priorities when necessary.
  • The availability of the latest technology and equipment to do our jobs.
  • Great IT Team that is patient and willing to train.
  • Working in an environment that values work ethic and accountability.
  • Blue skies and sunshine!

What is going right in your workplace today?


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