Leadership and Goal Setting From My Wise Scottish Geometry Teacher
In my January blog series on goal setting, I want to share my love for Mrs. Tillman, my ninth grade Geometry teacher. Mrs. Tillman had a heavy Scottish accent and her love of teaching, influencing, and Geometry converged every day in 4th period, right before lunch. In...
Is Goal Setting Part of Your Culture?
Bah humbug! Many of us seem like naysayers when we think about goals. Maybe you have resisted setting goals if you think of goal setting only as it pertains to your work or your finances. I will be writing a January series on goal setting, and I hope to encourage you...
Performance Management and Decision Making
If I am fortunate enough to have you as one of my coaching clients, you’re familiar with the story of the cheese selection discussion as it relates to decision making. The cheese incident took place 35 years ago during my tenure as the VP of Learning and...
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