Love Words in the Workplace
When I was in elementary school, I loved Valentine’s Day. I loved giving and receiving valentines. I remember laboring over the class list, and with my very best fourth grade penmanship, handwriting each classmate’s name on an envelope. Then I would carefully...
The Field Conditions Are the Same
I was working with a retail company recently and the senior leaders were trying to figure out why their competitor had higher than average sales in the fourth quarter while their company had sluggish sales. Sitting around the table at their weekly meeting, the leaders...
Keith’s Brilliance
Last year I was working with a senior leader, Keith, and he turned to me and said, “Trust the people. Trust the process. Trust the outcomes.” Wow! And do you?
How to Make Your Boss Look Good and Yourself Look Amazing in the Process: Part II
This is Part II of the series I promised you. Last week I shared some of my thoughts on supporting your boss and being a dream employee. Here are some more universal truths: Offer solutions, not problems. My first boss after college, Fred Pfannenstiehl, taught me a...
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