Love Words in the Workplace

Love Words in the Workplace

  When I was in elementary school, I loved Valentine’s Day. I loved giving and receiving valentines. I remember laboring over the class list, and with my very best fourth grade penmanship, handwriting each classmate’s name on an envelope. Then I would carefully...
Selfie Sticks and Twiddlesticks

Selfie Sticks and Twiddlesticks

You don’t have to be funny to find humor. Just like you don’t have to be athletic to get exercise. Trust me on this, I know. For most of us, work is a serious place. We go to work and we have a job to do. But does it have to be so serious, and might we do better work...
Caution: This Isn’t Work-Related

Caution: This Isn’t Work-Related

  Usually my blogs focus on the workplace, yet this time I’m going to stray. At the beginning of the summer, I received an email from a young man named Morgan, and he wrote: “For my sister’s 20th birthday my mom made her something called The Book of Wise...
What If Tomorrow It Is Gone?

What If Tomorrow It Is Gone?

Years ago at a presentations skills program I attended, my mentor, Glenna Salsbury, instructed us to do the “What If Tomorrow It Is Gone” exercise. The exercise is rather simple: “What if you woke up tomorrow and everything you failed to be grateful for today was...