How to Make Your Boss Look Good and Yourself Look Amazing in the Process: Part II
This is Part II of the series I promised you. Last week I shared some of my thoughts on supporting your boss and being a dream employee. Here are some more universal truths: Offer solutions, not problems. My first boss after college, Fred Pfannenstiehl, taught me a...
How to Make Your Boss Look Good and Yourself Look Amazing in the Process
I am fortunate that this blog is read by employees and leaders in a myriad of industries, states, and positions. There are so many differences in terms of what is important across industries, yet there are some universal truths. Here are a few; I’ll share more in the...
Selfie Sticks and Twiddlesticks
You don’t have to be funny to find humor. Just like you don’t have to be athletic to get exercise. Trust me on this, I know. For most of us, work is a serious place. We go to work and we have a job to do. But does it have to be so serious, and might we do better work...
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