Every Email Matters
When I was beginning my career, I supervised a woman named Kristin. Kristin worked at the front desk and was the first person visitors who came to our department met. Kristin was a brilliant editor and writer, but when guests entered, she barely looked up from her...
The Coronavirus: Pregnancy And Attrition Rates And Their Correlation
There’s a fun meme on the internet predicting a spike in babies 9 months from now. Personally, I am predicting that there will be both increased loyalty and huge attrition in organizations 9 months from now. Leaders, how you treat your employees RIGHT NOW will impact...
How To Manage Virtual Work And Restless Children
With our workplaces and communities changing faster than I can write blogs, I thought it would be helpful to address working virtually when you have young children whose needs you are balancing while trying to work. Get Real One thing that hasn’t changed is the...
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