Feeling Grateful With Family and Friends
Last year at Thanksgiving, I wanted the focus of the meal to be around gratitude. Remembering an exercise I learned in graduate school, I modified it to fit my family and it was a huge success. I am sharing it with you and your family as my gift to you this...
Sorry, the Employees Are Not Coming Back
Unlike the usual quick blogs that I generally post, on occasion, I am going to delve deeper into subjects that I find my readers need to be thinking about and considering. I just spoke at the Maryland Society of Human Resources 2021 State Conference. One of the...
Practicing Gratitude
“When you’re thankful for what you have; you end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey What do you focus on as you move through your day? Do you wake up to your alarm and think,...
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