Workplace Culture, Leadership, and Toxic Positivity
I recently came across an incredible article in The Atlantic that got me thinking about toxic positivity. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend checking it out here. If you’ve been following my blogs, you know that I’ve written a lot about...
When Performance Suffers, Are You Actually Stealing?
Back in the 1950s, stealing in the workplace was pretty black and white. If your workplace was a production line creating widgets and you took a widget home, you knew very well that you had stolen this physical property. Nowadays however, not everything falls neatly...
Recharging Your Batteries for Performance Management
It’s been almost a week since I left the National Speakers Association annual meeting in Orlando and I am still full of energy with all I learned. This event happens just once a year and it’s where I go to recharge professionally. Regardless of my business needs, many...
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