What Is Your Work Ethic?

What Is Your Work Ethic?

A couple of years ago I delivered a program for the US Postal Service. It was just as Covid restrictions were relaxing, and this particular unit was being asked to return to the workplace rather than continuing to work remotely. When you think of the post office, the...
Complimentary Goal-Setting Consult

Complimentary Goal-Setting Consult

Many of you who regularly read my newsletters know that I strongly believe in the power of goal setting. Sometimes when we think of goals, we tend to focus on only one aspect of our lives. Many of us focus on career goals, financial goals or health goals, possibly to...
Is It Better To Lead or To Follow?

Is It Better To Lead or To Follow?

Recently I conducted a retreat for a group that had a tendency to view their workplace problems in extremes. Having worked with the group before, I knew a discussion of polarity thinking would be helpful and introduced the topic by asking, “Is it better to inhale or...