The Importance of Feedback
The more specific, the more terrific! You can’t improve if you don’t know what you’re doing wrong. In reality, many of us complain about underachieving co-workers, but we don’t give them the type of explicit feedback they need to do their jobs...
No Question is a Dumb Question
I helped my son’s friend prepare for an interview last week. We started out talking about common interview questions, which evolved into a discussion of which ones are more and less effective. Below are some of the questions we agreed were interesting, some from the...
Widen Your View: The Look
My friends of color have told me about “the look.” This was also the topic at a recent Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task committee meeting I led, prompted by an employee of color sharing her story. If you aren’t familiar with “the look,” Procter and...
Sorry, the Employees Are Not Coming Back
Unlike the usual quick blogs that I generally post, on occasion, I am going to delve deeper into subjects that I find my readers need to be thinking about and considering. I just spoke at the Maryland Society of Human Resources 2021 State Conference. One of the...
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