Leadership is Sometimes Waiting for the Brunnera Plant to Bloom
I am an amateur gardener, which means I have a flower garden at my home, as well as a veggie garden at my mother’s apartment. Tending my gardens gives me a chance to let my thoughts wander, so it was no surprise that I thought of my new video when I was weeding around...
Goals for Leaders and Other Smart People
This past January I shared a series on reaching your goals. How are your goals going? Some of them maybe not so well? Well then, this message is for you! For my own goals, I apply Carol Dweck’s approach to learning and I don’t call my non-successes...
Leadership, Culture, and Overthinking
A few months ago, I finished up a Conflict Resolution program and I was excited to head to my Zumba class and get some movement while listening to lively music. I took the empty space behind a woman named Rosalee whom I see regularly and she said, “Don’t stand behind...
Trust, Leadership, and Confidentiality
Recently I was out to dinner with my husband and our family friends. As we were enjoying our appetizers, at the table beside us, the restaurant staff had brought out a dessert with the type of birthday candles that resemble sparklers and certainly create attention....
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