Proximity Bias and Neighbors
Twenty-five years ago, my husband and I moved into a newly-built house in a brand new neighborhood. There were just a few other residents at the time and there was a ton of construction. For the first three years, our streets were filled with dirt, noise, and...
Remote Work – How Fair is Your Organization?
I recently had three discussions about remote work in the same one-week period. The first instance came up with a close friend. Yohan moved to the DC area during the pandemic because his wife got a new job here and his Charlotte-based company was allowing, and even...
Have You Listened to Yourself Lately?
While reviewing a 360 degree feedback assessment with a senior leader a few days ago, I was showing him the section where he rates himself and then his manager, his colleagues, and his direct reports all assess him on the same quality. Whether the rating criteria was...
When is Your Year-End?
I was working with a coaching client last week and he said, “I have to get all of these projects done by year-end.” Having just looked at the calendar a few hours before to set some realistic deadlines for my own team, I thought it wise to consider how many weeks...
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