Exhale, Inhale
Is it better to inhale or to exhale? It takes a second before you realize the answer is, “you can’t have one without the other!” Asking a question in this way is called “polarity thinking.” It encourages the brain to think one way or another, without considering...
Hang Your Bathing Suit On The Line
A few weeks ago, I took a socially-distanced vacation to the beach with my household. One afternoon I agreed to hold work calls so an important project would not be delayed. I ran in from the beach, did a quick change, and tuned in to the video call with just enough...
Are We All In This Together?
Last week, in celebration of July 4th, I posted a blog about a sign I see each day when I go for a walk that says, “We Will Get Through This Together!” It makes me think that we really are all in this together, since none of us want our friends and neighbors to get...
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