High Performers and Stragglers
I was in my flower garden, another way to say I was in one of my happy places, and I was planting another clematis for what must be the 20th or so time. Why do I keep cajoling, prodding, and trying to grow a clematis in this spot when my other flowers are,...
What Does Your Culture Say About Sharswood and Juneteenth?
Sharswood As we are on the cusp of Juneteenth, I remembered this excellent segment I watched on 60 Minutes. It elicited a lot of emotions for me, some good and some quite disturbing. What do you feel when you watch...
Suidees Cards, Leadership, and Culture
When I was an undergraduate at the University of Virginia (UVA), I took a career planning course (taught by Dr. Margot Baker) that changed the trajectory of my life. In the course, one of the assignments was to write our own obituary. Some classmates thought it was a...
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