The Power of the Story
Concordia Consulting’s multipart series on preparing for presentations continues this week. In the past months we have discussed defining a purpose for a presentation, the effective use of visuals, and informal presentations within your organization. This week...
Are You The Only One Who Thinks You’re Funny?
Do you know what restaurants do at their weekly leadership huddle? I didn’t know until I started attending some of my client’s weekly meetings. Each Tuesday I join them in sampling a new recipe or food. One Tuesday at 9:30 in the morning, I also found myself sampling...
Everyone is a Presenter!
Concordia Consulting is kicking off a monthly series on Presentation Skills with “Mastering the Basics: A Clearly-Stated Purpose.” Last quarter I helped an organization prepare for a high-stakes board meeting. In this multi-part blog series on presentations, I will...
What Did Your Organization Serve Up For Breakfast This Morning?
If we know culture is the most important part of any successful business, what is your organization doing to create a positive and healthy culture? How much is your company spending on creating the culture they want? What are they spending in time? In money? In...
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