Blazing The Trail For High Performers
I am so energized by the virtual program I just facilitated, helping 12 managers share best practices for “Leading High Performers.” Three key takeaways: High-Profile Assignments Lead to High-Profile Recognition Seek opportunities for high performers to learn...
Are You Smarter Than My New Roomba?
My husband Bill and I decided that we needed a Roomba robotic vacuum. We ordered one, hooked it up, and let it roll. The Roomba did a nice job on the hardwood floors and transitioned easily to and from the carpet. It took a rambling path and when it encountered...
Weeds and Stragglers
I have a small flower garden outside of my office window. The purpose of it is clear: to give me and my team something beautiful to look at as we come and go from the office and while we are working. Typically, I do all the planting, mulching, and weeding myself....
What Do You Plan To Fail At Today?
I am a member of a wonderful business book club and each quarter we read a new business book. We discuss not only the book, but what specific material in the book would be helpful to our clients. Many times after reading a book, I offer to conduct a book club...
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