To Tell or Not to Tell?
Recently a manager revealed a hiring experience to me. She was interviewing candidates for a new position, and the job description for the position didn’t list the salary range. The rationale was, “We don’t want to miss out on hiring someone good.” That said, the...
Thankfully the New Employee Isn’t Drinking Your Espresso
Can you imagine coming home from the gym one day and there sitting at your regular spot at the kitchen table is someone you don’t even know enjoying an espresso, having just ground your best beans to make it? Only later do you find out that your roommate had invited...
You Don’t Need to Be a Man to Mansplain
Last week I was asked to review a report with Simon, a senior leader in an organization where I consult. I have met with Simon before and I appreciate his thoroughness, his concern for the organization, and his analytical brain. Simon and I started out the video chat...
Why Porch Haircuts Matter to Your Business
Last week, I wrote about Bill’s less than perfect haircut. I received a surprising amount of feedback on the blog. I just love it when people give me feedback! What prompted the large number of responses? Was it that others wanted to know how to successfully cut their...
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