Can You Stop By My Office?
I remember being in organizations (physically present, I mean!) and hearing that question. It meant… I want to talk to you briefly about something. It’s not a big deal. It won’t take an hour, so we don’t need a formal meeting. It was a way, pre-Covid, to talk...
Are You A Work Hoarder?
As part of the partnership review process with my client Don, I just reviewed his 360 degree feedback with him. To put it mildly, Don needs to delegate more and delegate better. Don is a senior leader and here are some of the ways that improved delegation would be...
Walk With Us
“Let’s make this a parade, not a protest,” said Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson, in Flint, Michigan. He put down his baton and helmet and joined protestors, making it a peaceful act of solidarity. The crowd, as seen here, started chanting, “Walk with Us.” That...
Considerations For Reopening, Part 2: Employee Physical And Emotional Health
Concordia Consulting has created an ongoing blog series on the topic of when and how businesses might reopen, and we want to hear from you! What do you want your leaders to know? What are your greatest concerns about reopening your workplace and most importantly, what...
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