Your Organization Looks Like You
When I read this article, one of many on “The Great Resignation,” I was reminded of what my accountant told me many years ago. She said, “Over time, employees start to reflect the values of the leader.” While this article refers to creating a culture where employees...
Honoring Those Who Have Died in Military Service
I just love it when I “catch” employees doing their work with love. Several years ago, I witnessed a park ranger standing in 95 degree heat and humidity. All day long she moved her ladder to the spot where a friend or relative could see the name of their loved...
You Can’t Fake Nice
An employee in a meeting I was facilitating felt comfortable telling her colleagues “I am nice at home, but I don’t have time to be nice at work.” “What?!” I thought. As much as we sometimes think we have split personalities – that we are funny with friends, but...
Green Eggs and Ham and Vacations
Yesterday I conducted a class. There was a lively discussion about boundaries and respecting the “off” time of colleagues and employees. I said that receiving an email during the weekend was like getting a mental ping when you are trying to watch a movie, mow the...
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